
My ASD Princess

A family helping a girl explore her world through the lens of autism



5 Reasons We Continue To Go Outside

Truthfully we have fun, our philosophy is to remember the highs and try and forget the lows. This choice makes every time we go outside a memorable day in a fantastically good way.

5 Reasons We Continue To Go Outside 

Truthfully we have fun, our philosophy is to remember the highs and try and forget the lows. This choice makes every time we go outside a memorable day in a fantastically good way.

OT – the next chapter begins for our Princess

What a whirlwind of a month.... We have started yet another therapy journey for Jenna, and its been a fantastic eye opener for us all. The next chapter has unlocked some permission for our princess, and we have seen an... Continue Reading →

The princess makes her dad proud, again…..

Next became a bigger problem... the constant in Jenna's life the past 6 years has been a school. School, for the most part, has been predictable, structured and problem free. In what seemed overnight we went from going to school daily, to non-attendance

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Autism and Sickness = Sucky Times

I am starting to believe that we may never truly adjust to this diagnosis. However, we now have a far better understanding of Jenna, the fluid nature of ADS. We have learned that autism is an ever changing lifelong diagnosis and sometimes a challenge for us all.

What About The Other 3

To say "Its been a tough holiday period for the princess" would be an understatement.The normality of school, bedtime, packed lunches and her gymnastic lessons create a rhythmic stability for her

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Stop looking at my daughter

It's easy to teach, discipline and model the correct and expected behavior for our own family. Although we have been really taken a hit this past few weeks from others (mostly complete strangers.)

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My Princess (insert label) ASD + ADHD girl

Getting it wrong for the past 5 years I asked myself these questions: Did that lesson my abilities as a Dad? I missed the signs for Jen, what else have I missed? What did I do wrong? Why did I miss all the signals?

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